Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Seattle Registration Opens Saturday

UPDATE: It appears that there is a previously planned monthly meeting for Seattle Flickr users this Saturday. And many of them will be out on a whale photographing excursion (and incommunicado) all day. So we are moving the opening of registration back 24 hours to Sunday, July 22, 8:00am PDT.

Thanks for your understanding.


Just a heads-up that registration for both Seattle seminars (Sat, Aug. 18th and Sun, Aug. 19th) opens on Saturday morning, 8:00am PDT, Jul 21 Sunday morning, 8:00am PDT, Jul 22.

The charge is $159 for the full-day seminar. Lunch is on your own, with several options nearby and on-site. Full details will be included with the sign-up post. Payment is via PayPal. You do not have to have a PayPal account to register.

If you want to make sure you get a seat, make a note to sign up quickly. It's not like waiting, finger on the mouse, for concert tix. But the London Saturday seminar sold out in a few hours and I don't want people to miss out if they really want to go.

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