Friday, July 13, 2007

Saturday Speedlinks, 7/14/07

Only one person mentioned anything last week, but that Speed Racer pic does indeed link to the upcoming movie. Cool beans.

Oh, and Underdog is coming, too. Love the retro cartoon stuff.

Gitcher Hot, Fresh Links

Digital Photography School has a post with tips for taking better group shots. We have talked about ideas for lighting group shots here, but Darren Rowse pretty much covers everything else on the subject. He includes a couple of examples by Strobist readers, too. Sweet.

David Berman is back with another assignment lighting slide show, this time from friend and fellow photog, Fergus Burnett. Full of commentary and cheesy diagrams. Plus a real edgy backlight.

OT, but worth it: Mediastorm has a couple of new multimedia pieces up. I just watched the one on the Ivory trade and how it affects the elephant population. Emotional to watch, but a very moving and well-told story.

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