Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Chase Jarvis is Everywhere.

Welcome to ACJN, the All Chase Jarvis Network.

First up is Chase Jarvis RAW: New Zealand Spring (above) wherein you get a behind-the-scenes look at the logistics of planning and executing a major sportswear shoot on the other side of the planet. (Unless you happen to live in New Zealand, of course.)

More background info, and Chase answers your questions here.

But wait, there's more: He is also the cover boy on the latest audio issue of LightSource, at, where you can hear a really good interview with him here.

(Right click and choose "download" to grab it for your iPod.)

If you just want to, uh, cut to the Chase, his part starts at the 11-minute mark and goes for the majority of the one-hour show.

Other Chase Jarvis Videos:

:: Ninjas! ::
:: Hasselblad Master Series ::
:: Lust-Worthy Location Laptop Case ::

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